“A Safe Workplace is our Moral Obligation. That is the key tenet of our Core Safety Values, but probably means something slightly different to each person. What that means to me, is that it is our responsibility, each and every member of the White Electrical family, to make sure that we are not only ourselves working safely, but that we are looking out for the others in our work family on a daily basis. Simply stated, it is our obligation to keep each other safe and healthy.”
Safety Always Comes First.

Triangle Safety Award
Southern Company presented White Electrical Construction Company, Inc. with their fourth Triangle Safety Award for outstanding safety performance for projects completed in 2020. White Electrical also received this coveted award in 2018, 2017 and 2012.
The Triangle Safety Award is presented annually to recognize contractors that achieve high levels of safety performance on Southern Company projects. The award recognizes contractors who:
- Achieved top-quartile status for the Safety Through Everyone’s Participation (STEP) observation rate among Southern Company contractors AND maintained a minimum STEP observation rate of 5 observations per 1,000 work hours each month throughout the year for all work, including subcontracted work.
- Maintained 100-percent participation in project walk-downs and/or site assessments.
- Have zero open safety-related correction actions and achieved top-quartile status for timeliness of corrective action completion.
- Have zero open safety nonconformance reports (SNCRs) and achieved top-quartile status of contractors with fewest SNCRs issued.
- Have not caused an outage or damage to Southern Company property in excess of $10,000.
- The contractor’s work hours on E&CS projects exceed 100,000 including subcontracted work.
Of more than 170 contractors in 2020, only nine, including White Electrical, met those stringent standards.

FEC Award
In 2019 White Electrical was awarded the Safety Contractor of the Year by the Federated Electrical Contractors (FEC) for being an industry leader in safety. The FEC is an industry peer group of electrical contractors across the United States. It is truly an honor to have our safety program and performance recognized by organizations that understand the importance of safety and the continued challenges of providing your team with a safe work environment in an industry that is inherently hazardous.

TAUC Award
TAUC, The Association of Union Constructors recognized White Electrical with the Thomas J. Reynolds Award for working over 700,000 man-hours without a lost time or restricted duty injury case. This is a great accomplishment. The success is attributed to focusing on lead measures such as job planning, behavior observations, near miss reporting, and employee’s total commitment to our number one safety value of “Nothing we do is worth getting hurt”.